Deacon/Sam because I friggin' adore Deacon and AU is weird. Deacon belongs to Kris. Top left is a humandisguise Deacon. Fuck he looks different XD
Marianne Sutton concept art. She's a super gifted surgeon who specialises in the undead and was a huge bitch to Davey. More on her later maybe.
Kris, Heather and me as pirates. Kris's beard is made of Tetris!
Possible update on Milo, my sloth-based Wysen. They're basically tiny humanoids who take on animal characteristics. I wanted to make him slightly more slothish, so I lowered his eyes, increased his nose size and gave him some chub. Chub is hard to draw ;;
Oh my gosh, Milo is pretty much the cutest thing ever what the hell. <3 dawwrh.